Workshop on Applications of Computational Intelligence and Interactive Systems
A Pre-Conference Workshop with IHCI-2023
(Technically Co-Sponsored by IHCI Society
August 18-19, 2023
Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Banasthali Vidyapith, India
Accepted Papers
Oral Presentation
5: Startup Unicorn Prediction using Deep Learning (ESEG Algorithm)
6: Machine Learning for Road Traffic Accident Prediction
10: Optimizing Matrix Multiplication with Tiled Method and Deep Learning for Enhanced Performance
15: Classification Of Weeds using Neural Network Algorithms and Image Classifiers
17: 3D Facial Reconstruction from a Single Image using a Hybrid Model Based on 3DMM and Deep Learning
20: Emotion Recognition using Phase-Locking-Value based Functional Brain Connections Within-Hemisphere and Cross-Hemisphere
22: Attendance Monitoring System using Facial and Geo-Location Verification
35: Human Activity Recognition with a Time Distributed Deep Neural Network on Sensor Data
36: Facial Emotion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network Architecture
38: Weed and Crop Detection in Rice Field using R-CNN And Its Hybrid Models
Poster Presentation
2: Importance of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things in Smart Agriculture
3: IoT_LWC Secure Data Communication for Devices: A Review
4: Population Initialization by Permutation Table in Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Travelling Salesman Problem
12: Novel Classification Approach for Skin Infections using Transfer Learning
13: Communication Model for Sensory Disabled
14: Automatic Face Recognition-Based Attendance System using 2DCNN
19: Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition based on Machine Learning Technique
23: A Comparative Analysis of Breast Cancer Detection based on Machine Learning Techniques
25: Detecting Deepfake Videos Through CNN-MLP Model in Media Forensics
31: A Comprehensive Survey on Fake News Detection with Machine Learning Algorithms
33: Recognition of Plant Leaf Diseases using CNN Approach
34: Theoretical Analysis of Attention Mechanisms in Object Detection
37: Depression Diagnosing System using Machine Learning Models